

Request a Letter of Support

Does your community group or organisation require a Letter of Support? Amanda is happy to endorse the many active and industrious organisations in Whitsunday by way of a letter when required. Please complete the form.

Request a Congratulatory Message

If you have a special anniversary or birthday to celebrate, Amanda Camm can supply a congratulatory message to help you mark the occasion. These messages are available for milestones such as 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries, 90th and 100th birthdays, and so on.

Please provide supporting documentation in the form of birth or marriage certificates and/or statutory declarations.

Apply for admission as a Justice of the Peace

Applications for admission as a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner for Declarations require nomination by Amanda Camm as your Queensland Member of Parliament.

Forms are available on the Queensland Government website — Apply to become a JP or Cdec — or in hard copy from the Whitsunday Electorate Office at Suite 2, Federation House, 20 Chapman Street, Proserpine, Queensland.

Once completed, your application will be forwarded to the Attorney-General’s office.

Processing usually takes 4—6 weeks and you will be advised periodically on your application's progress.

For further information, visit the Queensland Government’s Justices of the Peace web page.

Enrol to Vote

Are you on the Queensland electoral roll?

  • Have you recently changed your name?

  • Have you recently moved house?

  • Are you 17 or recently turned 18?

If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above then you will need to complete a new electoral enrolment form.

Information concerning changes to enrolment deadlines are available from the Australian Electoral Commission website.

To check your current enrolment details, visit the Queensland Electoral Commission.

Enrolling to vote

To enrol to vote, use the Australian Electoral Commission options below:

Alternatively, you can pick up a form at any Australia Post or AEC office location, complete it and then return it to the AEC by post or fax, in person, or online.

More information

For more information on the electoral roll, how to vote and update your details, visit the ECQ website.

Request a Queensland Flag

The Queensland Government provides complimentary Queensland flags to many non-profit and community organisations, schools and other groups.

Groups that may be eligible include schools and tertiary institutions, service associations, sporting clubs, youth organisations, show societies, historical societies, welfare and ethnic organisations, museums, fire brigades and so on.

Please complete the form if you would like to request a flag.

Flying the flag

For information on the appropriate use of the State of Queensland flag, including how and when to fly the flag at half-mast, see The State of Queensland flag booklet.

Request a Marquee

Amanda has sponsored free shade marquees which are available for loan for community events, sporting clubs and not-for-profit organisations.

Please complete the form details to lodge your request to borrow up to three 3m x 3m marquees for your upcoming event.

Request a Tour of Parliament

Individuals, school groups, not-for-profit organisations or industry representatives attending Brisbane are welcome to visit the Queensland Parliament. During sitting weeks, Amanda may be available to meet visitors and offer some personal insights into Queensland parliamentary processes.

If you would like to arrange a visit to the Queensland Parliament, please complete the form.